Despite the fact that there's a sizable group of people who think this search engine is all-knowing and all-powerful, even Google has it's funny moments:

A sexist remark:

And a racist remark:

Some people wouldn't call this next one a blooper:

Kayaking 5,404 km across the Pacific Ocean? Another great idea by Google.

Swim across the Atlantic??

Well, at least they admit it.

You can try this one out for yourself. Type in "find Chuck Norris" and hit "I'm feeling lucky" instead of search. I don't know if this search result is intentional but it's pretty funny.

And now a little intentional humor by Google:

No matter how many times you click "recursion" it still asks "Did you mean: recursion?". (The term [recursion] is used more generally to describe a process of repeating objects in a self-similar way.)

A reference to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
That's all for now. I'll update if I run into another "pearl of wisdom" by Google.
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